Judges Cup 2013 (4)
Permian High School hosted the 2013 Texas District 1 Judges Cup in Odessa on October 5-6. The theme was "A Day at the Zoo."
The North Texas Gymnastics Professionals (NTGP) hosted the 2013 Texas District 2/3 Judges Cup at the Forrest E. Watson (FEW) Education Center in Euless on October 4-6. The theme was "American Girl."
National Elite Gymnastics hosted the 2013 Texas District 4 Judges Cup in Austin on October 4-6. The theme was "Down Under," and the athletes, coaches, parents, and judges all enjoyed meeting and petting a real kangaroo!
Woodlands Gymnastics Academy hosted the 2013 Texas District 5/6 Judges Cup in Spring. The theme was "Tailgate Party," and everyone came dressed in their favorite team jersey.